Thursday, October 31, 2019
The Economic Value of Sports on National Development Research Paper
The Economic Value of Sports on National Development - Research Paper Example The chapter provides a brief scrutiny of various researches done by many researchers regarding the positive economic impact of different types of sports in the USA. Then the chapter illustrates the associated economic development of the places influenced by this major sporting event. Findings propounded that there was an accelerated growth encountered in the regional private sector, sports development, and tourism sector and so on. They also saw the establishment of several craft villages and small businesses which enriched the cultural development of the places. Apart from that, great prospects for future development were also chalked out as a spillover effect of this mega sporting event (Jordan et al, 2011, pp. 25-41). Journal article summary - The Economics of Sports Facilities and Their Communities From the period of 1950s, the main sources of stadium building for the privately owned professional teams have been the taxpayers. The team owners, as well as the associated technical personnel, have claimed that the effects of these professional games are the major enhancer of the local economic activities. But the scenario which is revealed in this paper through diverse economic logic, as well as evidences, show opposite consequences with respect to the above stated concept. It has been found that with respect to professional games, there has been a neutral effect towards the local economic development. Various reasons like substitution effects, multiplier effect and so on has been conjectured for explaining the notion. The support of public for the stadia is carried on by the demand driven by the image of the community. But the owners of the team apply a scarce supply to the improvement of the image. With this type of behavior, they fetch a significant amount of monopoly rents from the taxpayers. The paper directs towards the implementation of reforms which will be able to disperse the monopoly operations of the sports leagues when they enter into negotiation with the host communities for their teams (Siegfried & Zimbalist, 2000). Synthesis The book chapter and the journal article can be synthesized to form some concrete ideas about the economic value of the sports which leads to the national development. Both pieces of literature deal with the economic value creation in a nation. Both studies concentrate on the development of regional as well as local areas with the incorporation of the sports infrastructure development. A very general concept is that today huge money flows with sports which is one of the prime sources of entertainment and includes a strong sense of nationalism and incorporates hardcore business perspectives. The main area of deviance between the two works is that they try to reach the same point but by applying different research outlook. The research elements of the journal article pose a much stronger logical base structure by applying a complimentary theory to reach the aim that sport really adds to the economic dev elopment of the nation. Various economic factors come into the forefront while discussing the impact of sports on development which needs to be thoroughly testified with suitable data. The findings of the paper incorporate economic theories and show that the investments get attracted as well as implemented. But they also point out that it is an internal process of the sports management of the
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Is War Ever Justified Essay Example for Free
Is War Ever Justified Essay War, although being described by those who have survived it as hell, is in my opinion a necessary part of life in some sense in order to expand in many ways like socially, economically, and politically. In terms of social changes brought on by war, war often teaches us lessons about how to better our behaviour and attitudes in terms of our association both domestically and foreign. In World War 2 (1939 1945), America and Germany’s interaction and hostilities soon diminished after the end of conflict suggesting that they had learned to get along (or at the very least solve their issues in a more diplomatic way. ). Learning from our mistakes is essential for growing as a race in general. Had it not been for World War 2 the UN (United Nations) would have most likely not been formed and therefore our world would not feel the sense of unity that is present today. In terms of economic changes brought on by conflict or changes, had it not been for wars we would not gain items of value for the use of economic resources. Had the USA not gone over and improvised in Afghanistan they would have most likely lost what is estimated to have been one trillion dollars worth of oil. For this reason the Afghan War (2001 Present) has been referred to as the â€Å"resource war†. In terms of political change brought on by conflict or war, we as a society have learned many lessons of the importance of a strong political power which could in fact reduce the need for conflict or war. Had it not have been for the Vietnamese War (1959 1975), we would not have been shown the importance of international involvement from a single nation in order to assist a less fortunate nation. War has always, in the end, increased all nations sense of unity in some way. Had it not been for the Vietnamese War, America would still be in some state of singularity and arrogance. The loss in Vietnam for the Americans proved that even they the very powerful can be defeated; if they were not given assistance the losses could have been far greater. War may be brutal but there are many positives that can be taken away from it. War, though an expression of our inability to coordinate and understand one another is also a great teacher for the world at what is right and what is wrong. The atrocities and crimes committed during wartime, though terrible and evil as they appear are usually necessary and in the long run will eventually prove to be better for society. During World War 2 had the Allies not declared war against the Axis it is unthinkable as to what could have happened to our world. The Allies chose to stand up to what atrocities were committed by Hitler and stop his evil from spreading. World War 2 is also an exceptional example of what happens when good men fail to act and allow the actions of evil men to spread. Hitler rose to power and began breaching the Treaty of Versailles and built an army despite the Treaties clear clause in which it states that Germany is banned from ever creating an army to avoid the repetition of World War 1 (1914 1918). Had a militant force not attempted to stop Hitler and his Axis powers it is unthinkable as to what the outcome of Hitler’s plan could have been. World War 2 was completely justifiable in that the evil committed during this war far outweigh the possible evil that could have occurred had a war not occurred. Had a militant force not intervened and caused a war it is quite probable that Hitler would have just kept exterminating the Jewish population and that the world would have just continued to watch. During World War 2 we learned the importance of standing up against the tyrannical and not being afraid to stand up for what we as a civilisation believe to be acceptable behaviour. The conflicts during World War 2 could very well have been avoided had good men acted against Hitler’s breach of the Treaty of Versailles and had the courage to stop him before, as we can now see, his plan could have been put into motion. We can simply justify World War 2 in that had The Allies failed to intervene the Nazis would simply continue to exterminate the Jewish population and many attempts to reach Hitler on a political level had been attempted and failed. War, although being a major drain on our economy, is also a great representation of our ability to learn and adapt to what is occurring throughout our time. Had we not spent so much money on war machines during wartimes, we would not have defences in place today that protect our nations against attacks from other possible threats. It is also important to recognize that had wars not occurred it is quite possible that our economies would in-fact be damaged by this. for example a large portion of the economy revolves around oil and it is estimated that had America neglected to act in Afghanistan and stop the Taliban from burning their oil supply as an act of aggression and arrogance against the USA, it is possible that approximately one trillion dollars worth of oil would have been wasted. Had the USA not stepped in and intervened in this conflict, America’s already struggling economy would have been severely damaged and it is possible that this massive loss of oil would have quite possibly caused another depression in America. Had America not invested so much money into the conflict in Afghanistan there economy would have been severely damaged by this. The war in Afghanistan can be justified in that it was not originally intended for the sole purpose of protecting a means of economic revenue but was originally intended for the purpose of retrieving Osama Bin Laden and to punish him for his atrocities committed. It was only after this fact that Osama’s militia began to burn up the oil fields that American geologist discovered that Afghanistan was actually sitting over one of the worlds largest oil deposits. Many people who are against the war in Afghanistan claim that this conflict comments on Americas greed for Afghanistans oil deposits but it was intended originally to have been a mission to capture a known terrorist and to protect the people of Afghanistan. War is often a result of the lack of political effectiveness to eliminate issues and this causes violence. War can be justified in that many people are so close minded in that they would rather resort to violence and not accept a diplomatic solution to their issues that they have. The Vietnamese War is a result of America and her one-time ally the Soviet Union’s inability to discuss and resolve their issues without resorting to War and conflict. The collective inability of the Soviet Union and the Vietnamese Government to accept Americas attempts at peace resulted in this conflict and therefore this conflict was justified. The Vietnamese War was somewhat unavoidable in that many attempts by America were made to achieve peace with Vietnam. After the Vietnamese War was eventually lost by the American Military, it was determined that the original intention of the Vietnam War was to preserve the Vietnamese people’s right to self determination and freedom from oppression by the government. The war is justifiable in that America was merely attempting at preserving a god given constitutional right in that we as a people deserve the right to choose our actions without input from and political force. The Vietnamese War had the best intentions to preserve our rights but was perhaps ill prepared on part of the American Military. Sometimes in order to do whats right we have to put aside the safety of others and make the difficult decisions that need to be made. Each and every war or conflict throughout history has been caused by circumstances that require action. Had action been neglected during any of the wars listed within this paper the results of these wars would have been far worse and many more would have died. All of the wars listed within this paper were unavoidable and justified in the fact that they all had the best of intentions in mind and that they were all attempted to be solved through non violent means. If a conflict is attempted to be resolved without violence or conflict then the act of war is justified.
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Ethical Behaviour Within The Work Place Philosophy Essay
Ethical Behaviour Within The Work Place Philosophy Essay Yes I believe that the use of ethical behavior will pay off in the long run. I believe that the ethical behavior at work place is highly influenced by the leaders at workplace. We human beings are social animals and as a part of one of our basic instincts we like to copy people we admire and respect. So if the leader is transparent, truthful, self-sacrificing and shows the highest standards of ethical and moral conduct his followers eventually develop respect and admiration. If the leader believes that ethical standards and ethical commitment builds customer trust and winning with integrity is the key mantra to business success then his/ her employees will do as well. This is what will attract and keep the best employees in the company. The main proposition for the ethical behavior is that ethical behavior is concerned with should and should not, and implies that there is required by law or which are commercially a responsibility of, and depends on the leadership in an organization, that the argument has significant implications for corporate governance. There are well known difficulties in defining the term leadership and in specifying what is meant by ethics in the context of business behavior, difficulties which have been rehearsed recently in the Journal of business Ethics. While business ethics have always been important from a social and moral point of view, they also become a pragmatic requirement in the corporate Olympics. The doing- more- with less strategies place in even greater premiums on trust than did the adversarial protection, business practices of the traditional corporation. Some of the key characteristics of ethical behavior are: try to satisfy all constituencies, dedicated to high and broad purpose and also committed to learning in order to remain current and responsive to change which also tries to be the best at whatever they do. For example I would like to cite a story from my past experience in life. The principal of our school (ARMY SCHOOL) use to receive monthly salary through a cheque from the director general of the school committee. But once the principal received 2 cheques of the same amount for the same month. Being an ethical human being and a man of principles and values he returned the extra cheque back to the director gen eral. Now many of his colleagues said that he should have en cashed the money from the extra cheque and should not have returned it. However the principal replied that it would have been unethical if he would have used it for personal use. A few years later the director general of the school committee had to appoint a secretary for funds department and was looking for a suitable candidate. So all of his colleagues and other principals applied for the vacant position. Out of all the principals of army schools throughout northern India he chose our principal. All his colleagues were amazed as they were more qualified that he was and had much more experience. However when the director general of the school committee asked replied that there wasnt a better person than him suited for this job. Just because the principal was ethical and had high moral conduct, maybe he wasnt rewarded at that time but if we look at it, in the long run he outlasted all of his colleagues and was rewarded a m uch higher position than all of them. The same can be applied to the business as well. If one wants the business to survive and flourish successful one should have an ethical concern towards the customer, employees, shareholders and community. The customer always wants the quality of the product to be legit and want to be treated fairly while purchasing the product. Expecting the returns from the investments keeping the same standard of the growth within the business and maintaining the standard quality of the ethical behavior for the well beings of entire society. We learn from mistakes and we should be passionate about what we believe and I believe not matter what but we always learn from good ethical environment at workplace. Another advantage of ethical code is protection of company assets. A good example of high ethical standards in a company is when its employees protect the companys asset and not misuse them. Manager or the supervisor should take an active role in bringing awareness to all the individuals at the workplace of the responsibilities and expectations of the organization. Also he must set the standards at workplace for ethical code of conduct. He should make clear to the employees what is right and what is wrong. On the other hand the employees should actively be aware and should have knowledge of the ethical code of conduct. Management must demonstrate through consistent examples their personal alignment with ethical principles and values, their expectations that employees will do what is right and fair, their encouragement and support of open communication and candor within the organization. Responsibility is another element which is combining to the moral ethical value. The sense of responsibility also comes from within. If one feels proud of the company he /she is working and is satisfied from the work condition, then the urge to work ethically for that company comes from w ithin. One feels like taking the initiative to perform task. You dont make excuses or hide your face when a task is assigned to you instead you make sure that the task is performed in the right way and feel like taking up the whole responsibility for the task. This is what we call as winning with integrity. And when an employee reaches this stage their actions become unrestricted and they perform far better than what is expected out of them. Being ethical is essential when it comes to problem solving and improving processes. In a work place it is always required to establish baseline measures and increase the efficiency. Also one should never be afraid of admitting mistakes. If you cover up your unethical behavior then, firstly its can affect our image and secondly it prevents us from growing as leaders in the long run. For example once a teacher gave an assessment to 2 students which was due in weeks time. Once of the student was hard working and honest and the other one was totall y opposite but very clever at copying assessments. So the 1st student worked day and night to make the assessment however the 2nd student copied it from him and submitted it to the teacher before he could. After the assessment the 1st student got a zero and the 2nd one got 85%. When the teacher asked by the teacher for reason by the first student said the assessment was copied from the other student. But the hard working student didnt give up because deep inside he knew that he was ethically correct and hadnt cheated. At the end of the year when it came to the final exam the teacher gave a similar case study assessment. But the only difference was that it was to be finished in 3 hrs under his supervision. Now the 2nd student who used to slack of and never did any assessment by himself was dumbstruck and it was like the tip of his pen had almost frozen. He didnt know what to write and how to conduct the assessment. However the 1st student who always prepared his assessments honestly just knew what to write and how to write. He completed the assessment and cleared the semester with good grades however the copy cat failed the exam and had to re-sit the exam. The moral of the story is again that if you believe what youve done is right and complies with your ethical standards then it will always pay you off in the long run. So in all to sum it up the higher the ethical climate the higher the profit of an organization. If one has to be ethical at work then he/she should ask the following 4 basic questions from him/herself which are being practiced at Rotary international: Is it the truth? Is it fair to all concerned? Will it build good will and better relationships? Will it be beneficial to all concerned? If you can answer these four questions accurately then you are in a position to act ethical at your workplace. Also being ethical means solving common problems at workplace which are generally: Quality Safety Property Human relationships It is the duty of the leaders to understand them and make judgments. Finally it is our elders or leaders who pass ethics to us in many ways and if we learn from their experiences we will get to know that being ethical will pay you in the long run. Answer 2) Ethical leadership is about all knowing your core moral values and having the ability and courage to live them in every aspect of your life for the betterment and upliftment of the common. I would like to throw light on the fact that ethical leaders are also human beings but the only difference between an ethical leader and a regular human being is the moral courage. Life is not perfect and we are not perfect. Everyone has his/her own moral sense. We have the ability to make choices (right or wrong), important to us, as we travel the path of life. Choices which we choose are basically based upon the personal set of values we have quoted as rules or principles for how we will carry out and live our life. Also the fact remains that all the choices are not necessarily ethical. But most of us know when such a situation occurs. But standardizing our actions through moral conduct is the right thing to do. Before we discuss our main topic of discussion i.e. impact of ethical leaders on the society I would like to say that: Whatever type of ethical standards we have accustomed for ourselves will always be with us 24 by 7. There are no other different moral conducts or ethical principles for business. We carry them with our personality. Leaders co-exist everywhere. Leaders are everywhere in every field. They are present in a family, community, workplace, school and represent the interests of the common good. Besides that they safeguard rights of their followers. Some nations who are pioneers in certain fields and dominating the worlds economy call themselves as leader but when it comes to sense of moral conduct they are not ethical. Today, developments are taking place at a very rate but the standard of human life span is shrinking. The hunger for money and power has watered down the difference between right and wrong. We have designed a cob-web around us. Everyone wants to climb the ladder and reach to the very top even if it means pulling someone down and stepping on their head to do so. The harmful effects are noticeable in the environment around us, by chaos and increase in fraud, offence, contamination and social disturbance. Today the common masses have lost their trust in their leaders and blame them for their misery. For example in India, the population no longer believe that their political leaders are trustworthy. Most of the voters rate them low on ethical conduct and honesty. More than 50% of the subjects surveyed by JAGO (JAGO is a Hindi word meaning awaken or get up) India team on a campaign said that administration is literally making their lives worse. Unethical behaviour and corruption has amalgamated with moral values so much that our new generation can hardly distinguish the two. We learn it at the basic level for e.g. at school, home and sports. So we can says that it is very much involved at every point in business among employees and employers both. People prefer the alleyway (shortcut) instead of the highway. To be equipped with ethically competency in todays dynamic world we need to develop certain specific personal and social skills with a keen understanding of how to make well established flourishing economy while taking care of the world on which the life of the common mass depends as well. As an Indian and as a fellow human being I would like to say this on behalf of the mass population. If for once our politicians and leaders: think for the betterment of the mass population and not their self centred interests. Exhibit legitimacy and veracity in their conduct Then they should not be scared of any hatred for their ethical practices.  In some situations when leaders may feel extremely stressed that they have to decide between personal Benefits or Ethics. If siding with the ethics will only earn you reputation, then that should be the only option.  Leaders need to be unbiased towards their followers and should favour what is appropriate. This will spread of a lot of operation in the organization, even if it means creating some opponents, too. When no one is supporting the leader. They should act bold and adhere to the cause. If our leaders just even implement few of the above mentioned points I believe this world would be a much merrier place to live in. Ethical leaders need to be for the people, by the people and should be conscious of how their decisions impact others. The leaders should have the sense of serving the people from within and should come with benign interests for the mass population. This way they can motivate their follower and show them what self sacrifice means. This implementation involves participation of both the parties towards common goals. Ethical leadership is very important in communicating in a business culture as well. While making a decision the leader should make such choice or decision which is good both for the people and the business as well. The leaders should have lucid ethical conduct of doing business and make these principles known to others in their circle clearly. They should convey their message through all channels on all the possible grounds (personal, professional and legal). This not only helps in gaining respect and admiration from the employees but also gives a peace of mind for oneself knowing that one have done right. Dealing otherwise will generate mistrust at both personal and professional level. Ethical leaders should be truthful, see-through and trustworthy. For this very reason the world knows Mahatma Gandhi. There are many people who want to restore ethical values in the society. But, having a larger section infected with the virus, it becoming difficult to stay ethical and lucid in this dynamic world. If ethical leadership needs to be reformed it needs to introduced at the top level first The leaders would need to demonstrate an example of ethical behaviour before their followers expect it from their leaders.
Friday, October 25, 2019
Henry IV, Act 5, Scene 4 :: William Shakespeare
In act 5, scene 4, the play reaches a dramatic climax. Due to the murder of Richard II, an act of regicide, it throws the country into turmoil as Henry IV is crowned king and since this event, he has struggled to keep the country unified. Throughout the play, Hal, Henry's son, has developed his character, he begun as a degenerate, spending all his time in taverns, keeping his company with criminals and peasants until the time when he realises his destiny and becomes the Prince of Wales. The relationship between the King and the Prince was awful at the beginning of the play, Henry saw him as useless and idiotic, as he spent his time with the lowest class of people, thieves and criminals and for this reason, Henry wished that Hotspur would be his son. But soon, their relationship improved as Hal acknowledged his responsibilities when Hotspur revolted against the King. This new-found love is emphasised when Henry shows his concern for Hal at the beginning of act 5, scene 4. Hal?s metam orphosis is seen by the country as a good thing because during the civil war, if Hotspur would be the victor, he would divide the country and this would upset the people, possibly leading to another revolt, the reason for this being that the people are used to the country being unified as one. However, if the King and Hal?s army are victorious in defeating Hotspur, the divine order would be restored and the country would remain in a state of unification. For the first key section of Act 5, Scene 4 opens on the battlefield with King Henry, Prince Hal, John of Lancaster and Westmoreland taking the stage. On the stage, I would choose to give a sense of tension to the scene, showing discarded weaponry lost on the ground, with some of the recently deceased clutching to their weapons to imply that as the battle rages on, the blood spilt is growing at an alarming rate and many already lie dead. Also, to show that the king is remaining at his camp, I would have tents with the king?s colours fluttering in the wind. I would have Henry taking centre stage with his weapon sheathed as at this time, he is more concerned over his now loyal son, Hal who by aiding his father in his time of need, is redeeming himself. Secondly, I would Henry IV, Act 5, Scene 4 :: William Shakespeare In act 5, scene 4, the play reaches a dramatic climax. Due to the murder of Richard II, an act of regicide, it throws the country into turmoil as Henry IV is crowned king and since this event, he has struggled to keep the country unified. Throughout the play, Hal, Henry's son, has developed his character, he begun as a degenerate, spending all his time in taverns, keeping his company with criminals and peasants until the time when he realises his destiny and becomes the Prince of Wales. The relationship between the King and the Prince was awful at the beginning of the play, Henry saw him as useless and idiotic, as he spent his time with the lowest class of people, thieves and criminals and for this reason, Henry wished that Hotspur would be his son. But soon, their relationship improved as Hal acknowledged his responsibilities when Hotspur revolted against the King. This new-found love is emphasised when Henry shows his concern for Hal at the beginning of act 5, scene 4. Hal?s metam orphosis is seen by the country as a good thing because during the civil war, if Hotspur would be the victor, he would divide the country and this would upset the people, possibly leading to another revolt, the reason for this being that the people are used to the country being unified as one. However, if the King and Hal?s army are victorious in defeating Hotspur, the divine order would be restored and the country would remain in a state of unification. For the first key section of Act 5, Scene 4 opens on the battlefield with King Henry, Prince Hal, John of Lancaster and Westmoreland taking the stage. On the stage, I would choose to give a sense of tension to the scene, showing discarded weaponry lost on the ground, with some of the recently deceased clutching to their weapons to imply that as the battle rages on, the blood spilt is growing at an alarming rate and many already lie dead. Also, to show that the king is remaining at his camp, I would have tents with the king?s colours fluttering in the wind. I would have Henry taking centre stage with his weapon sheathed as at this time, he is more concerned over his now loyal son, Hal who by aiding his father in his time of need, is redeeming himself. Secondly, I would
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Western Humanities
It is no exaggeration to say that the Romans have made profound impact on almost all civilized nations of the world and their culture is the cradle of many cultures of today (Rao, 113). The manner in which the Romans pick their girls has a whole lot to do with the laws governing marriage at that time. Before a marriage could be considered legal, both couples must be matured; for the girl twelve years and for the boy fourteen, the parents of the couple have to be fully aware; that is it has to be with the consent of both families of the bride and groom. During the Augustan age, families were forbidden any refusal of marriage without given any valid reason as to why they refused a marriage. Marriage between a close relation likewise ascendant and descendant marriage were also unlawful. There were two social classes during the early Roman period; the patricians who were the citizens and the plebeians who were the free non-citizens. During that time, the patricians only marry the patricians and the plebeians only the plebeians respectively as there was no inter-marital relationship between these two social classes. Marriage by the Patricians was considered a sacred institution which cannot be done just by merely saying it. Some manners of consideration have to be taken before a marriage could actually take place. With the direct consent of the gods, the patrician takes his bride from her father’s house to his own residence in the company of a representative of his clan. In this form of marriage, the bride is put under the authority of her husband and her husband in a way becomes her master. The plebeian marriage however consist essentially the cohabitation of a man and woman as husband and wife. Plebeian marriages were not recognized by the patricians as they were not considered citizens and even when the plebeians became citizens and their marriage were legalized, inter-marriage between the plebeians and the patricians were still not allowed because of the religious differences between them. But as years past, their laws were amended and the marriage between the social classes now became possible. The early Romans married at a relatively early age as a girl was considered ready for marriage between the ages of fourteen and seventeen. Her father would choose a husband and perform the required arrangements. Though young Roman children were not forced into marriage, very few children were able to refuse an arranged marriage (Mellor). Betrothal before marriage was considered a good form although it had no legal obligation attached to it. Betrothal involves a girl been promised solemnly by her family to the man or his family. This process in most case is represented by the man giving the prospective wife a ring. The ring is worn on the third finger of the left hand which the Romans believed had a direct link with the heart, as they believed that the finger had a connection with the heart by a nerve. It was customary point of pride with the Romans for the bride to bring her groom a dowry which was provided by her family if she is still dependent on them or by herself. The bride is dressed by her mother on the morning of her wedding day; one of the most significant parts of the dressing was the â€Å"knot of Hercules†who was considered the guardian of wedded life (Rome exposed – Roman Children). The groom is the only one permitted to loose the knot once it is tied and this is done after the wife has been accompanied to her new home. After the marriage ceremony, there is usually a dinner (reception) in the house of the bride after which she is then accompanied to her husband’s house by her family members. On entering into her new home, the bride is carried into the house so as to prevent any bad omen that may result if she stumbles upon her first entrance into the house. Until the first child is born, marriage itself is not regarded as having been consummated. This is because the Romans believe that children are of paramount importance in order for a marriage to be considered blissful. However husbands and wives could tend to love each other as time goes on. The Roman women enjoy social freedom as they could attend both public and private banquets in the society. After marriage, the social status of a Roman woman increases as she is raised to the rank of her husband and is considered equal with him sharing the same religious and civil status with him. Her responsibility however is to govern the home and being the mistress of the house, she oversees the education of her children as well as the slaves. During the Augustan age women had more encouragement to bear more children because of the privilege associated with it. The moment a woman has three children, she would be released form all supervision and was free to conduct business by herself (Bierkan, Sherman & Stocquart, 303-327). One could safely say that the Roman woman was vast and sophisticated when compared to her counterparts like the Greeks and this was due to the privileges given to her by the society.
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Free sample - Christian Ethics. translation missing
Christian Ethics. Christian EthicsFirst of all the notion of Christian ethics should be defined. Christian ethics or moral teachings of Christianity, determines the moral compass of human behavior. Human behavior based on Christian ideas about the nature and destiny of man, his relationship with God. Christian ethics can be called a theory of Christian action. Ethics of Christianity Expressed in the Christian ethos, a certain style of life, diverse in its manifestations and peculiar of individuals and large social groups of Christians. For me, ethics is limited to human relationships, with a view to equip the society so that all its members with a diversity of interests not to upset each other, but only the joy, and so that everyone can develop the right attitude to itself and its role in specific situations. [1] Throughout my life, I try to follow the moral principles taught by my parents and chosen by myself. I had not any religious upbringing, but think I know how to differ good and bad. As morally and ethically educated person I am able to keep such destructive emotions such as aggression, greed, boundless self-assertion, and try to guide them to safety to the public channel. All my principals that I follow I tried to put into the list and have got the following: concern for the welfare of others; respect the rights of others to be independent; reliability and honesty; voluntary submission to the law (with the exception of civil disobedience); fairness; rejection of an unfair advantage over others; philanthropy, the opportunity to benefit; prevention of harmful consequences. For example, professional associations have codes of ethics rules, which specify the desired behavior within the context of professional practice, such as medicine, law, accounting, engineering or forestry. I understand that these recorded in writing setting determine the default behavior, which is usually based on the principles of professional ethics. I have next ones: impartiality and objectivity; honesty, complete exposure; confidentiality; due diligence (duty of care); precise execution of professional duties; avoid potential or apparent conflicts. Lets’ analyze the notion of family ethics. In my understanding and according to my vision the concept of ethics in relation to the family used in the sense of morality, family, morality, and is regarded as an estimate breeding family members individually, and the moral climate of the family as a group. I think the brightest example of the qualities that I try to bring up is reflected in situation of family conflict. According to my principles I try never figure out family relationships with outsiders; make a stand for my loved ones, do not tell anybody about the facts, defaming my family, trying to stop a fit of anger, not to generalize and exaggerate, try to concede, not to clash over trifles. From the viewpoint of Unification, the relationship of people in society are the projection of the relationship between family members at home. For example, if there is a difference between people under the age of twenty or more years, their relationship must be characterized by love of older to younger, as their children, and the younger should respect their elders, as their parents. If the age difference is ten years or less, leading to love the younger men as their younger brothers or sisters, and younger - to respect their elders, as their older brothers or sisters. From this perspective, the family ethic is the foundation for all types of ethics. In transferring the family ethics in society, she turns into a social ethic, in transferring it to the corporation, it becomes a corporate ethics, in transferring it to the state it becomes a state ethics. Thanks to this, the true values have affirmed (virtues). In the state public figures must love his people, and people should respond to them respectfully. At school, teachers should love their children and their work, and students - respect their teachers. At the societal level senior must protect younger and younger - to respond to them respectfully. At the level of heads of institutions or enterprises should have a good lead subordinates, and subordinates - well follow the instructions of superiors. The love between brothers and sisters in the family, transferred to society, the state and the world, becomes the love of colleagues, neighbors, fellow citizens and humanity in general, in this love I try to embody such horizontal values (virtues), as a peace-loving, tolerance, a sense of duty, loyalty, courtesy, humility, compassion, cooperation, service to the cause and understanding. However, today's society, the state and the world thrown into chaos. The reason for this is the weakening of the ethics of family relations, serving as the basis for all types of ethics. Consequently, the path to salvation lies through the public approval of a new family ethic, a new view of it. To accomplish this, we can save from destruction of the family, can save the world.[3] As I am a student of medical college (the clinical department), I can affirm that the ethics has its reflection on the process of teaching and studying at the college. Teacher on the faculty is also a physician. Therefore, what kind of physician he appears before the students, largely determines the ethics of the teaching process. There occur simultaneously paternalistic and partner relationships. Paternalistic - because the teacher gives what he knows, teaches skills that are owned. Ethical conflicts do not arise if the teacher knows a lot and can teach. In today's higher medical school it is becoming increasingly difficult to do. Each teacher comes out of this predicament in their own way: by virtue of his education, mastered teaching ethics, temperament and character. Learning process may be accompanied by violation of certain principles and norms of ethics and law. Another factor that reflects ethic norms in my studying is learning a subject of ethics on business classes. I have noticed that particular business ethics course shows us that this discipline can be â€Å"done†separately from management, finance or other sphere of business or studying. To my mind such idea\theory seems to be totally wrong. Every theory of business, we are familiar with during the learning process, contains elements and assumptions about what the role of humans in this theory, why it is necessary and what is a good result. Finally we can conclude that there are no ethically neutral theories or situations, they always contain some principles – moral or immoral, and they can never be free of them. So, during my classes I try to differentiate what is good or bad, how can I be successful together with my principles and Christian ethics norms. I believe I should follow the rules set in place by society (for the most part) and follow my conscious. I think mo st people know right and wrong, it is just a matter what they choose to do. Therefore it is wrong to think that in the learning process and in the business we can be taught any theory, and then add to them moral and ethical standards. They are already installed and we are entitled to choose one for ourselves in accordance with our beliefs. On our business ethics class we are taught basic qualities such as human dignity on one hand, and that any person is the part of the mechanism which provides profit and is a part of successful deal. [2] I think it is appropriate to say about professional ethics as a part of the process of studying ethics. Human activities are so diverse that the universal moral standards are often inadequate to regulate human behavior in specific areas of activity. Professional ethics refers to the implied or explicitly defined set of rules or codes of conduct that guide decision-makers in their various professional roles. This kind of role morality often provides beneficial effects on the resolution of ethical disputes arising in the course of professional activities. Most ethical dilemmas associated with different types of professional ethics, include some kind of contradiction between functionally differentiable and universal ethics. I have summarized my general principles and norms, based on degree of my beliefs: there is an ethical scale of human actions. Actions are good and bad, worthy and unworthy. Quality of a person is determined by what and how he's doing. Anyone who behaves with dignity, and respect is commendable, one who behaves in an unworthy manner is worth of censure, resentment and contempt; the good is natural and normal, the evil is random and unnatural. A decent man behaves adequately not because he is forced to some external factors, or hoped to receive from it any benefit, but simply because the opposite is unnatural and disgusting; there is justice. For good to yourself you should render the good, for evil - evil. Recompense good for evil (i.e. charity) is possible, but not as a rule, but as an exception to the rule. When applied to power relations: a violation of the law must be followed by punishment; there is a difference between "my" and "others". My (own family, own people, own country) - it is something for which I am responsible, something that I must take care, ha ving the duty to protect first and foremost, what is required to give preference to the "others". If we speak about the community, I believe that basic ethic norms here are: allowed everything that is not directly violating the rights of others; the rights of all people are equal. I try to follow them trough whole my life. Now educated man is a rarity in our daily lives, especially among young people who aspire only to the visual appeal. And yet these people are, and they are needed members of any company. Indeed, morally and spiritually strong person is very uncommon. To achieve maximum results and to become well-mannered person I learned from childhood. From the childhood parents brought me a sense of patriotism, love of family and, of course, good taste. This is best taught by own example that they did. In later years I took up self-education. I believe that self-education is the way to the formation of character, conscious development of valuable human qualities, and desire for self-education occurs only when there is a desire to achieve something, be useful to society, to become a person. The emphasis is on self-development, which leads, on the one hand, to achieving personal goals, and on the other hand, to "non-consumptiveness" towards others. Of course all the Christian imperatives amplified: "do not kill", "do not steal", "Do not lie," "sympathize and help others." And these basic facilities will not be violated in the name of God. I believe that people who live in my community are only looking out for themselves and I will do anything to get ahead, trying hard not to be involved with the community. I think the important thing for a modern society is the freedom of man and condemnation of violence and intolerance. Unlike religion, where justification for violence in the name of God is possible, modern morality rejects any violence and intolerance. Traditional society simply overwhelmed with immorality and lack of spirituality, including stringent violence against women and children, all dissenters and "violators of tradition." Modern morality requires a person to develop and achieve success with own efforts. But it does not say how to do it, only encouraging people to permanent seeking, to overcoming themselves and the voltage of their forces. Instead, modern morality gives a person the feeling that he was the creator of the future and one of the builders of himself and the entire world. In addition, self-development, increasing of professionalism leads to the attainment of wealth, gives prosperity in this life. Undo ubtedly, modern morality destroys many senseless rules and prohibitions, and in this sense makes life easier and more enjoyable. But at the same time modern morality imposes tough-to-person claim to be the person itself rather than go on about their own animal instincts or gregarious. This requires a manifestation of moral reason, but not primitive emotions such as aggression, revenge, and desire to subjugate others. And it is not easy just being tolerant, to overcome in yourself personal and public facilities. [4] As far as I believe in free will, morality, responsibility, and that man was created for interpersonal relationships, I make three assumptions: 1) the person is responsible to God 2) he is responsible to society 3) he is responsible to those who currently are in the relationship (to family or single person). Direct connection of ethics with the practice of life is clearly seen in the so-called professional ethics, which is a system of moral claims to professional activities of man, as was pointed earlier. One of the types of professional ethics is the ethics of business relationships. It emerged relatively late on the basis of the total labor morale. The business ethics takes place in the practice of business. It includes the ethics of management (management ethics), ethics of business communication, ethics of behavior, etc. I see two main viewpoints on the relation of universal ethical principles and business ethics: 1) the rules of conventional morality to business does not include or refer to a lesser extent. 2) business ethics based on universal ethical standards (to be honest, do no harm, keep one's word, etc.) that are specified in the light of a specific social role of business in society. Most of the tenets and norms that underlie the ethical culture of the modern economy, modern moral attitude toward work and business have its roots in the Protestant ethic. During the Reformation, the Western European countries have experienced important spiritual revolution, the essence of which was a new understanding of labor and wealth. According to representations of the ideologues of the Reformation of Luther and Calvin, work is not punishment, but divine vocation, destiny of man. The purpose of work is not redemption of sin and salvation from the sin of idleness, but the acquisition and multiplication of wealth, the accumulation of property, and the pursuit of profit. Rethinking the role of labour, along with the installation for maximum profit, financial success led to a new assessment of the role of property and wealth in human life. In the Protestant ethic property is important as a basis and foundation of individual liberty.[2] Many businessmen believe that their business can be considered as a concretization of the principles of Christian doctrine and Christian precepts. However, the rapid development of South-East Asia has clearly shown that, although the basis of people's lives in the East very different religious teachings and moral values of the market economy in general are common to all capitalist countries, irrespective of religious employers. Generally accepted ethical standards throughout the world are considered compliance with the sovereign immunity of private property, respect for the law, loyalty to a given word, the cult of fair competition, participation in charity events, providing credit, based on trust; scruples and concern for own reputation and the reputation of the firm, etc. I believe that independent choice of ethical standards and their degree of compliance in the business is a private affair of each individual. The problem of business ethics is now becoming more urgent. I will try to follow respect and trust of members of the company to each other based on social responsibility, transparency and good management. Subject of labor is central to Catholic social thought, as Church believes the work being central category of mankind. The reflection of the work of God is the work of people. Ethics of labor is that man finds his own dignity, strengthens the family and society. I strongly believe this thesis and hope that I will stay unshakeable in my principles. References      Jerry Fleming. Profit at Any Cost? Baker Books, 2003.      Larry Burkett, Nelson Reference. Business by the book: The Complete Guide Of Biblical Principles For The Workplace. Updated edition, 1998.      O.F. Williams and J. W. Houck. Full value: Cases in Christian business ethics, San Francisco, CA: Harper Row, 1978.      Todd Albertson. The Gods of Business: The Intersection of Faith and the Marketplace. Trinity Alumni Press, 2007.
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