The college essay
How To Write A Introduction For A Persuasive Essay
Monday, August 24, 2020
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Essay --
There’s a legend that time is cash. Truth be told, time is more valuable than cash. It’s a nonrenewable asset. Once you’ve spent it, and if you’ve spent it seriously, it’s gone everlastingly, this axiom by Neil Fiore has radically transformed me. I have chosen to utilize time effectively in this manner not squandering this extremely valuable asset. Equivalently lessening time term in doing ventures in businesses is one of the fundamental desire of Fredrick Winslow Taylor famously known as Father of Industrial designing and Charles W. Babbage who contributed significantly to mechanical building. Extraordinarily roused and inspired by crafted by these mechanical architects, I have chosen to seek after dynamic research in Industrial Engineering as a lifelong target. It was in my 6th semester of my under alumni college educational plan I took a course titled Operations explore which took me near the essential ideas of Industrial designing. The points learned in this course and its use in everyday life made me to show further enthusiasm for the subject. For instance before purchasing another vehicle, you would assess all the potential choices accessible to arrive at office, at that point you would choose the quick and financially savvy alternative therefore lessening your costs by doing this you are accidentally utilizing the idea of â€Å"Optimization†which is an essential idea of Industrial designing. This exuberance present in the subject really enchanted me. Anyway it was in my fourth semester the course Industrial designing administration instructed how an industry can be overseen viably. Profoundly keen on the themes I additionally chose venture the board as an elective subject; this even made me to go further into the essential idea s of Industrial Engineering like Gantt diagrams, basic way m... curricular are as significant as studies in assessing understudies profile. I am a functioning individual from National Social Service of VIT University.In the National help conspire exceptional camp, I showed youngsters in grade schools for more than 60 hours and disclosed to them the significance of training. .It is my firm conviction that so as to accomplish more prominent things throughout everyday life, a bachelor’s certificate isn't adequate. In view of my capacities and interests I feel that seeking after an alumni program at your esteemed college would profit me significantly in the quest for my fantasies and objectives. In this quickly advancing world, higher information, and more extensive introduction to down to earth understanding and association in progressively broad research are basic to the improvement of a balanced architect. Trusting with an uplifting mentality, I fervently anticipate be a piece of your regarded foundation.
Thursday, July 16, 2020
How to Get Leading Bloggers to Cover Your Startup or Product
How to Get Leading Bloggers to Cover Your Startup or Product © | Elena KharichkinaBloggers are a relatively newer but influential channel for a brand to reach its target audience. In this article, we will look at 1) the importance of bloggers, 2) steps to getting coverage from leading bloggers, and 3) examples of leading bloggers influence.IMPORTANCE OF BLOGGERSAs the world of marketing, PR and media evolves, bloggers represent the important cross section where public relations and the consumer meet. Bloggers can be found within almost every industry, who have managed to build names and credibility for themselves. With this fame and credibility comes influence. And this is where these bloggers can be extremely beneficial to companies in terms of reaching their target audience efficiently and effectively. With more competition, consumers are faced with too many choices and often do not know who’s message to trust. In this situation, a blogger’s endorsement can act as an excellent referral mechanism that is trustworthy for the target audience.According to research, as many as 71% of consumers will make a purchase after coming across a review from a trusted source via social media. Bloggers are among these trusted status and their influence stems directly from their audience. In 2013, Technorati released a Digital Influence Report that showed how consumers read blogs for an opinion about a product before deciding to go ahead and make a purchase. Blogs are listed as the third most influential digital resource, following retail and brand sites.A public relations expert or someone looking to handle. Big or small, new or established, all types of businesses and organizations seek out brand ambassadors and endorsements. This new channel has many benefits that a savvy entrepreneur cannot afford to miss out on.STEPS TO GETTING COVERAGE FROM LEADING BLOGGERSAs with any business relationship, nothing can be stepped into without adequate research, a plan of action and a clear expectations and goals. This is also true for forming lasting relationships with bloggers as part of your organization’s public relations strategy. Some key steps and important aspects of forming this relationship are discussed below.Step #1: Identify the Right BloggersThe first, and most important step is to research and locate the right and relevant bloggers to work with. You could pick an extremely popular one but without connection to the right industry, or you could pick the one most relevant to your product but not agree with their brand and image as a match for your brand. This is a task that requires time, patience and some detective work. Along with these, there needs to be a realistic expectation of what will emerge from the relationships. Top bloggers are also approached more frequently and will often have a backlog of messages to respond to as well as pending requests for reviews and endorsements.A good idea then may be to identify some top tier bloggers and some that are just starting out but have a goo d mix of followers. This will allow you to get the conversation around your product started while more established bloggers are reached. Start with a strategy and a plan of action and outline what the key criteria are for blogger selection. Some things to look out for in the right blogger include:Does the blogger write well?Is the content thoughtful and engaging?How regularly does the blogger post? Is it at least once or twice a week?Are there positive mentions or link backs from other, more respected bloggers?Is it easy to contact the blogger and do they respond appropriately?Some online tools can help find the right bloggers for your industry. These include:Klout â€" This service measures social media influence and covers both companies and individuals.Technorati â€" This is a blog directory that helps locate the most popular and influential blogs in an industry.Tomoson â€" This website matches bloggers with companies offering free samples for review.Page Rank Checker â€" Through this service, you can check any site’s Google PageRank, which identifies the site’s importance and position in search engine results.Step #2: Know Their Audience before Sending a PitchAs you select the bloggers that appear right for your product, brand and idea, you also need to consider if you work for their brand and image. Take some time to read through their blog and study the profile of their audience. Bloggers build up an audience based on their opinions about a particular area of interest. So if you approach the wrong blogger with your product, you may end up getting negative press. Maintain a database of each blogger you identify as a potential option and add in their handle, a profile of their audience, their areas of interest, blog address and where you are in forming a relationship with them.Step #3: Consider Your ApproachBloggers are generally open to communicating with new people. The nature of their chosen profession is public and they choose to openly write about their favorite topics, culture and industry. When approaching a blogger, look carefully through their website first. Most provide a brief message or policy statement about how they can be contacted and any dos and don’ts. Honoring their wishes helps establish the relationship on a positive note. Contact itself should be through a brief email, where you introduce yourself, establish why you contacted them, and make your intentions clear through a brief but effective pitch. Any supplementary information can be attached as well or provided on request. A good way to make your offer stand out from the crowd is to offer them something such as expert views on the industry, answer their questions or serve as an editorial resource.Step #4: Promote Blog ContentWhen communication has been established and the blogger reviews your product or service, then it is up to you to share their post on your blog, website and social media. This helps give your business credibility and is the reason for approaching bloggers in the first place. It also gives the blogger airtime which is a positive for them, driving more traffic to their site and increasing their followers. Let the blogger know that their post has been shared and where they can access it.Step #5: Build a Strong RelationshipA strong relationship needs to be built carefully from the ground up. This involves taking small but important steps and keeping up the effort till the relationship has been solidified. Even then, the work needed to continue to maintain this relationship is never over. A good way to begin is by engaging the blogger in question over social media. Reply to something they posted, retweet their post or comment on a new blog post. Start out small as a small blip on their radar. Start building this relationship before you actually need something in return. If you start out when a launch or an event is upcoming, then you are more likely to make desperate decisions or advances that are seen as pushy by the blogger. When introducing yourself, keep in mind how you can be of help to them and mention these options to them.Step #6: Build a Long-Term RelationshipAs with traditional media, it is good practice to keep in touch with an occasional email, call or message to make sure the relationship is built up over time. Relationships can even be maintained over social media by sharing and appreciating their posts or more in depth through coffee meetups to discuss opportunities. If you approach people without an agenda, they are more likely to entertain your requests without seeing any as selfish or one-sided.Step #7: Build Friendships not ContactsThe best way to approach blogger relationships is to form a friendship and not a business contact. This means that your communication with them should be individual and personalized, never part of a mass email containing many other people. This also does not mean becoming overly familiar before a comfort level has developed. The fine line between pe rsonal and professional needs to be maintained initially, till both parties are at the right level and understand each other. As friends, you will have the benefit of having your communication immediately noticed by the blogger and for them to have an incentive to put you at the front of their cue without needing to push for this.Step #8: Offer ExclusivesOften, to strengthen a relationship or even to build one, you may need to offer your blogger of choice an exclusive look and the option of reviewing a product before anyone else, often before it is launched in the market for mass consumers. Let the blogger know that they have exclusive access and they will most often be excited about coming on board. Bloggers want to be the influencer and though leaders in their community and this will help strengthen their position. Remember to let them make their own mind about the product. You may offer an exclusive but you cannot buy the content of their review. If the product is sound, I will s tand for itself and the review will be positive adding credibility to the exchange.Step #9: Follow-UpThe importance of strong follow-up cannot be minimized. This applies to the world of blogger relations as well. This does not mean that you send them a product and immediately start badgering for a response or a review. Give them adequate time to get around to your product, test it out and then ask if they require any further information or support from you to make their review process easier. This can help tie down a date for the review and helps make sure that the product does not slip through any cracks.Step #10: Thank and Give CreditThis an obvious point but one that can be neglected because of being so obvious. People may forget to do so but thanking a blogger for their support and providing the right credit goes a long way towards establishing a positive relationship. Never forget common courtesy and remember to put in the same effort at the end of a transaction as you do at th e beginning, when you are trying to secure their support.EXAMPLES OF LEADING BLOGGERS INFLUENCELorna JaneKristen Mathews, marketing and community manager at GroupHigh, a blogger identification and analysis platform writes about Australian brand Lorna Jane. She mentions how brands either work with blogger networks or agencies, or own their blogger relationships in-house.Lorna Jane managed to create a blogger outreach program in the middle of these two approaches. The brand began in Australia and sells yoga and running clothes. It has been gathering success rapidly in the United States. A big part of this success is their focus on blogger outreach.Blogger OutreachThe company works hard to create ongoing and long term relationships with the right bloggers. The company uses a campaign approach to scale different products and messaging. The company makes sure that its blogger outreach strategy is aligned with its marketing strategy. The company maintains a network of bloggers, who are f ans of the brand and continue to write about it on a continuing basis.With each new store opening, the company reaches out to the brand fans in that city and they are invited to come visit the store, try on the products and take home a free item. This creates true word of mouth buzz about the store that is not manufactured or paid for.When a specific area needs to be promoted, the company works out a scalable and scheduled campaign with its blogger network. Working with bloggers helps a brand achieve a network effect. This means that a group of people who have influence over their unique customer base post about a brand or product at a scheduled time. This means a positive outpour for the brand across social media channels by multiple influencing forces, leading to immediate brand awareness and buzz.KoogalThis online store was created by Australian Tram Tran in February 2013. The brand sells fashion items to women in the age range of 16 to 26. The company began when Tran was still i n university and sold clothes on eBay. She eventually made the decision to make her own store to cut out the fees she needed to pay eBay and PayPal.Once an online store was established, Tran realized the need to bring people into it. She used two strategies. The first was Google Adwords and the second was Blogger outreach. Says Tran, I researched all the keywords and figured out which ones had the best success rate when it comes to conversions. We set a budget of how much we would spend a day. We started out with $20 a day. Now weve increased it to $40 a day.Blogger OutreachApart from Adwords, Tran also realized the need to understand how her target market made purchase decisions. She began by looking at what the target market was reading. Since she was a big fan of fashion blogs herself, she decided to use this channel to market her brand. She identified bloggers and sent them sample products. These were mostly dresses and in 2013, she sent more than 40 dresses out to bloggers. Alm ost all of these bloggers featured the dress on their blog. With each feature, traffic to Tran’s site would increase as much as 5 times the normal amount as well as a substantial increase in sales revenue. Tran doesn’t pay a majority of the bloggers, so the cost of advertising is minimal. Where she does pay, usually to more popular bloggers, this is disclosed in the review or feature.
Thursday, May 21, 2020
What Is Real Analysis in Economics
What do you learn in a real analysis course? What do you need to know before you take a real analysis course? Why is taking a real analysis course helpful if you’re planning to do graduate work in economics? There are a lot of questions that might be running through your head if youre unfamiliar with real analysis or havent actually taken a real analysis course. What Is Taught in a Real Analysis Course We can get a feel for what is taught in a real analysis course by taking a look at a couple of real analysis course descriptions. Here’s one from Margie Hall at Stetson University: Real analysis is a large field of mathematics based on the properties of the real numbers and the ideas of sets, functions, and limits. It is the theory of calculus, differential equations, and probability, and it is more. A study of real analysis allows for an appreciation of the many interconnections with other mathematical areas. A slightly more complex description is given by Steve Zelditch at Johns Hopkins University: Real Analysis is an enormous field with applications to many areas of mathematics. Roughly speaking, it has applications to any setting where one integrates functions, ranging from harmonic analysis on Euclidean space to partial differential equations on manifolds, from representation theory to number theory, from probability theory to integral geometry, from ergodic theory to quantum mechanics. As you can see, real analysis is a somewhat theoretical field that is closely related to mathematical concepts used in most branches of economics such as calculus and probability theory. Common Prerequisites of Real Analysis To be comfortable in a real analysis course, you should have a good background in calculus first. In the book Intermediate Analysis John M.H. Olmstead recommends taking real analysis fairly early in one’s academic career: ...a student of mathematics should properly begin to make his acquaintance with the tools of analysis as soon as possible after the completion of the first course in calculus There are two key reasons why those entering a graduate program in economics should have a strong background in real analysis: Topics covered in real analysis, such as differential equations and probability theory are used extensively in economics.Graduate students in economics will commonly be asked to write and understand mathematical proofs, skills which are taught in real analysis courses. Prof. Olmstead saw practicing proofs as one of the core objectives of any real analysis course: In particular, the student should be encouraged to prove (in full detail) statements which previously he has been persuaded to accept because of their immediate obviousness. Thus, if a real analysis course is not available at your college or university, we highly recommend taking a course in how to write mathematical proofs, which the mathematics departments of most schools offer.
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Pain Case Study - 965 Words
The objective of the study was to compare the incidence of post-operative pain between rotary andhand K-files single visit root canal treatment. 60 patients with symptomatic irreversible pulpitis participated in this randomized clinical trial at Altamash Dental Institute from Sep 2016 to May 2017. Patients were randomly alienated into 2 distinct groups of 30 patients. Single visit root canal treatment were perfomed by cleaning and shaping of canals by means of rotary files in group A while in group B hand K-files were used for shaping and cleaning via passive step-back technique followed by obturation and termporary filling on the same visit. Following the treatment, patients were directed to compute pain intensity at 4, 8, 12 and 24†¦show more content†¦It is evaluated from former studies that technique in which instrument is used in rotational manner tends to extrude reduce amount of debris in apical region in contrast to technique that uses up and down stroke. Likewise, custom-hand filing technique is more conscientious for debris extrusion than motor-driven files. Further, flutes in rotary files have more propensities to haul the debris coronally (9, 10, 13, 15, and 18). According to most of the studies, hand instruments cause more post-operative pain in comparison to NiTi rotary files (17-22). However, according to a newstudy, no significant difference in post-operative pain was noticed with different instrumentation (23). Instrumentation shares no relationship with post-endodontic pain, as evaluated from prior studies (24). According to researchers, numbers of visit shares no association with post-endodontic pain (25-30). However, according to some studies RCT performed in multiple visits results in elevated post-operative pain (31-32). Similarly, another study states that patients treated in single visit are more likely to undergo post-operative pain (33-36). METHODOLOGY This randomized clinical trialwas conducted at Altamash Dental Institute from Sep 2016 to May 2017.60 patients were selected by convenience sampling. Informed verbalShow MoreRelatedPain Case Study1014 Words  | 5 Pagesper day and uses recreational grade cannabis for pain and sleep daily. On admission, Ms. Kelly complained of low back pain ranging in intensity from 7 to 8, out of 10, on the pain scale where 0 is no pain and 10 is the worst imaginable pain. She subjectively describes this pain as throbbing, stabbing, burning and radiating along the posterior and anterior aspect of both upper legs, left worse than right. She has sharp, stabbing, burning pain in both her arms, particularly the left arm, andRead MorePain Case Study1732 Words  | 7 Pages Pain is often related to increased anxiety, sleep disorder, depression and lower quality of life (Tsao, Plankey Young, 2012). 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The reasoning for these particular tests was to enact a full body approach where as it tested allRead More`` Not For Iv Use : The Story Of An Enteral Tubing Misconnection1143 Words  | 5 PagesChosen for root cause analysis is case study number 18, titled â€Å"Not for IV Use: The Story of an Enteral Tubing Misconnection†from the book Case Studies in Patient Safety: Foundations for Core Competencies. Root cause analysis is a process whereby error producing system factors are identified and reviewed to assist in the formatting and implementation of solutions to prevent similar errors from re occurrence (Wachter, 2012). This accounting of the patient’s experience located in the Systems-Based
Frankenstein vs Planet of the Apes Free Essays
Frankenstein VS Planet of the Apes: A Frightful Showdown Humans as a species like to experiment with the world around them and push the limits of any known law. As a result, the human race is constantly toying with the everlasting puzzle: What is life and how can it be manipulated? Through many realistic fiction storiesâ€â€such as Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein and Rise of the Planet of the Apesâ€â€the general public is able to take a look into how far the human mind wants to go. Both stories use technology as a vehicle to enhancing human life and end up with horrible endings. We will write a custom essay sample on Frankenstein vs Planet of the Apes or any similar topic only for you Order Now Though these tales share a common theme, they diverge in plot lines by exploring different ways that technology can affect life as usual. By examining these tales one will notice the difference of experiments, consequences, and relationships. The first major difference is the means of experimentation between the two protagonists. In Frankenstein, Victor uses a mysterious â€Å"spark of life†to bring his creation alive in order to fulfill his own ambitions. In Rise of the Planet of the Apes, the protagonist’s motivation for experimenting on life is for the greater good from the get go. By these plots being different, the audience can see how even though scientists can have totally separate ideas and reasoning the end game is usually the same. However, this was not the only difference between the cautionary narratives. The other key thing that made these stories different was the endings. In the film, the experiments wreak havoc on the city just so that they could get to safety. In the novel, the creation causes destruction for the sole purpose of tormenting its creator. The apes reach their destination and though they leave a wake of terror in their path are generally safe and complacent, while the protagonist quietly mourns losing his friend. On the other hand, Victor loses his life in the hunt for the creation and the monster commits suicide leaving no trace of any the events that took place. These two differences are what make each tale unique. The film and novel have one commonality: they warn humans of the dangers that can be self-inflicted. Each story results in suffering, loss, and destruction caused by the creations. They try and convey the message that manipulating life can be a volatile process and should be handled with the utmost care. Though one lead character lives while the other main character dies, they both reach a point where they realize the power and seriousness of their actions therefore teaching the reader/ viewer. Watching/ reading these interesting narratives can leave a person more cautious of their actions and decisions. Overall, the book and film differed in a variety of ways, ways such as plot line and end results. However the overall theme of the power of technology in human lives remained dominant in both tales. One is a film with wonderful visual effects and the other is an aged book that still retains the vividness of its day. They are both striking entertainment and could be interchangeable for instilling a sense of power and responsibly in reckless youth. There were few things that could be tweaked and more informative tales should be made revolving around this universal subject. How to cite Frankenstein vs Planet of the Apes, Papers
Saturday, April 25, 2020
Traffic Collision and People free essay sample
As the number of vehicles on the roads increases, so does the danger. Although there is modern safety equipment, cars are still mainly responsible for the total number of traffic accidents. This is very common in Turkey, which has the second highest RTA (road traffic accident) rate in the world. There are several reasons for traffic accidents in Turkey such as the attitude of Turkish drivers, the poor conditions of the roads, and the number of old cars in traffic. The first reason for traffic accidents in Turkey is the attitude of Turkish drivers. Turkish drivers can become completely different when they drive their cars. Especially people in a traffic jam become very nervous because the crowd makes them crazy, so they lose their patience and also their attention. In addition, most young drivers like driving fast and they risk their lives and other people’s lives. What’s more, some Turkish people drive when they are drunk. We will write a custom essay sample on Traffic Collision and People or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page It can be very difficult to control their cars when they drink too much. Another reason is the poor conditions of roads. There are road constructions all the time. For example, one day, they dig the road for telephone cabling. Then the road is repaired. Two days later, it is repaired again and they install electricity cables. As a result, the road is full of holes. Furthermore, the road signs are poorly arranged. It is too difficult to read a sign when the traffic is going very fast because the sign is either behind a tree or some words are erased from it. The final for reason for traffic accidents in Turkey is that there are lots of old cars in traffic. The owners of these cars do not care about them, so they can cause accidents. For example, if a car is twenty years old, its wheel can fall off, and this can lead to a terrible accident. In addition, old cars have old engines, and old engines can be a huge problem. For instance, they can start to burn in traffic. To sum up, the attitude of Turkish drivers, the poor conditions of the roads, and the number of old cars in traffic are the reasons why people have accidents in Turkey. It is strogly believed that the number of accidents can decrease if people keep calm, take a taxi when they are drunk, repair the roads, and place the traffic signs where people can see them easily. They should also ban old cars from traffic. If nothing is done, many people will go on dying. ( giving advice) Answer the following questions. 1. What is the essay about? It is about the reasons for traffic accidents in Turkey. 2. What is the first reason for traffic accidents in Turkey? The attitude of Turkish drivers 3. What are the results of driving in a traffic jam? Give TWO examples. a) They become very nervous b) They lose their patience and also their attention. 4. What is the second reason for traffic accidents in Turkey? The poor conditions of roads 5. Why can it be difficult to read road signs in fast-going traffic? Give TWO reasons. a) The sign is either behind a tree b) Some words are erased from it What is the third reason for traffic accidents in Turkey? There are lots of old cars in traffic 7. What pieces of advice does the author give us to stop traffic accidents in Turkey? Give TWO examples. People should keep calm / take a taxi when they are drunk / repair the roads / place the traffic signs where people can see them easily / ban old cars from traffic SAMPLE ESSAY 2 Read the model essay. HARMFUL EFFECTS OF WATCHING TELEVISION In a recent cartoon, one character said to another, â€Å"When you think of the great power of television to educate people, aren’t you glad it doesn’t? †It is true that television has the power to educate and entertain, but unfortunately, television brings harm to people instead of benefits. Television is harmful because it creates passivity, discourages communication, and presents a false picture of reality. First of all, television makes viewers passive. For example, little children love watching the Sesame Street. In the Sesame Street, the characters are going on natural walks, playing with animals, and taking part in games. However, children become coach potatoes since they just sit and watch their favourite characters. Therefore, they become physically passive. In addition, older viewers watch a discussion programme, but nobody will turn to the home viewers to ask for their opinion about the topic that is discussed on television. As a result, it is inevitable for them to become mentally passive. Secondly, television discourages communication. Families who watch television a lot talk only during commercials. If their next door neighbour visits them, the most comfortable activity for everyone is to watch television instead of having a conversation. What’s more, in some houses, all the family members have their own televisions in their rooms. As a result, people separately watch television and have a little communication. Worst of all, television presents a false picture of reality. This picture makes viewers angry because they do not have the beauty or richness of characters on television. Viewers think that everyone in the United States has a luxurious apartment, a fast car and expensive wardrobe. Every detective, police officer, and lawyer, male or female, is suitable for a celebrity poster. In addition, news anchors and reporters have perfect hair and makeup because they must fit television’s standard of beauty. However, when viewers meet the characters on television, they become disappointed because they realise that what they see on television is far from reality. All in all, television, like cigarettes or saccharine, is harmful to our health. We are becoming passive, isolated and angry. And, most frightening, the average viewer spends a lot of time in front of television. I believe that people should reduce their television viewing time to be more sociable and active. Answer the following questions. 1. What is the essay about? It is about why television is harmful 2. What are the harmful effects of television? An essay is a piece of writing that usually has five or more paragraphs. An essay is written about one topic that has several main points. The main points are introduced in an introduction paragraph and supported in body paragraphs. The conclusion paragraph is the last paragraph. INTRODUCTION PARAGRAPH An introduction paragraph is the first paragraph in an essay. It contains two parts. Background Information: A few sentences about your subject that catch the attention of your reader. A Thesis Statement: One sentence that tells your reader the main points of your topic and states the overall â€Å"plan†of your essay. General Statements Metropolitan City is full of charm and beauty, so visitors from around the world come to enjoy its famous theatres, museums, and ethnic restaurants. Although Metropolitan City seems like a paradise, it isn’t. The city has several serious problems: poor public transportation, crowded streets, and expensive housing. Thesis Statement GIVING BACKGROUND INFORMATION There are no specific rules for writing an introduction, but there are several techniques. Many introductions use one or a combination of the following techniques to provide background information and capture the readers attention. Move from general to specific This type of introduction opens with a general statement on the subject that shows importance and then leads the reader to the more specific thesis statement. Use an anecdote Another way to write an introduction is to relate an interesting story that will interest the reader in the subject. Newspaper and magazine writers frequently use this technique to begin their articles. Use a quotation A quotation is an easy way to introduce your topic. You can quote an authority on your subject or use an interesting quotation from an article. You can also be more informal and use a proverb or a favourite saying of a friend or relative. Ask a question Asking one or more questions at the beginning of an essay is a good way to interest readers in the topic right away. They will want to continue reading in order to find the answers to the questions. Present facts and statistics Presenting some interesting facts or statistics establishes credibility. Analysing Introductions Read the following sample introductions. Then, in small groups, identify the technique or techniques that are used in each one. Remember that authors often use a combination of techniques to write an introduction. 1. Karate, which literally means the art of empty hands, is the most widely practiced of all the martial arts. It is a way of self-defence that uses the body as a weapon for striking, kicking, and blocking. The art of karate, which originated in the ancient Orient, is more than 1,000 years old. It developed first as a form of monastery training and later became a method of self-defence. During the seventeenth century, karate became highly developed as an art on the Japanese island of Okinawa. Over the years, this ancient art has become very popular, and today karate is practiced throughout the world. More than a method of combat, karate emphasizes self-discipline, positive attitude, and high moral purpose. Technique(s): _________________________ 2. One student looks at his neighbour’s exam paper and quickly copies the answers. Another student finds out the questions on a test before her class takes it and tells her friends. Still another student hides a sheet of paper with formulas under her desk. What about you? Would you cheat on an exam if you knew you would not get caught? According to a recent national survey, 40 percent of American teenagers would cheat under that condition. What is causing cheating in our schools? Most students cheat on tests because they feel pressure to get into a good college, because they want to avoid long hours of studying, or simply because they are not concerned with honesty. Technique(s): _________________________ 3. Homicides cause the deaths of more children in Washington, D. G. , than any other single type of injury, including car accidents, or house fires. Unfortunately, this phenomenon is not exclusive to Washington. The overcrowded neighbourhoods of many big American cities, such as Detroit, Dallas, and Miami, all experience senseless violent crime. Types of violent crime range from burglary to rape and murder. The solution to this growing problem is not to build more and bigger prisons, but rather to examine and deal with the causes: easy access to guns, drug addiction, and increasing poverty. Technique(s): _________________________ 4. Misty, a five-month-old German shepherd puppy, goes to the hospital twice a week, but not to see a veterinarian. At this Veterans Administration hospital, Misty is helping doctors – not the other way around. Surprisingly, animals like Misty are visiting hospitals to relieve a type of pain doctors cannot treat. These animals give love in their therapy. Pets ranging from dogs to tropical fish are showing up as therapists in hospitals, nursing homes, prisons, and other institutions. Technique(s): _________________________ WHAT IS A THESIS STATEMENT? A thesis statement expresses your opinion about a topic. It is the basis of the introductory paragraph of your essay. It should be a single complete sentence. You must be sure you can support the opinion in your thesis. A thesis statement should never be an open-ended question be limited to mentioning only those points you plan to discuss in your essay never be so broad that it’s difficult to discuss all relevant information only present one specific idea; not multiple ideas not contain two conflicting ideas EXERCISES ON THESIS STATEMENT PART A: Identify the problems in the following thesis statements using these categories: (a) conflicting ideas(b) open-ended question(c) too broad(d) not limited 1. The World’s Fair in New Orleans was a disaster because of the way it was organised, but it was exciting for little children and had many good food booths. Problem(s): (c) too broad 2. TV commercials are disturbing to the person who wants to watch a good show; on the other hand, they provide entertainment and they provide a good opportunity to take a snack break. Problem(s): (a) conflicting ideas 3. Since politicians are constantly bombarding each other, how do they expect anyone to know who is right and who is wrong? Problem(s): (b) open-ended question 4. Rap music is a popular form of art because it is creative and original and because it follows the traditions of other spontaneously developed music like jazz. Problem(s): (c) too broad 5. If people are not conscious of pollution, the world will be destroyed by the year 2050. Problem(s): (d) not limited PART B: Write the thesis statement for the topic sentences given. 1. Thesis Statement: e. g. Working people have several problems. a. First of all, they may have to take work home. b. Another problem is that they have to work long hours. c. The most important problem is that they may be under pressure. Thesis Statement: Ready meals are becoming more and more popular every day. a. Firstly, ready meals are easy to prepare. b. Secondly, working people do not have enough time to cook. c. Finally, people can taste meals from around the world. 3. Thesis Statement: There are several reasons why people have sleeping problems. a. The first reason is that some people work really long hours and have to do a lot of travelling. b. Another reason for sleeping problems is unhealthy habits such as smoking or drinking too much coffee. c. Finally, in some countries people cannot sleep because of the lack of light. Thesis Statement: Heart trouble results from several factors. a. First of all, the person may be under stress. b. Another risk factor is a family history of relatives with heart trouble. c. The major factor, however, is an unhealthy lifestyle. 5. Thesis Statement: Watching TV is beneficial in several ways. a. First of all, watching TV has the value of relaxation. b. In addition to being relaxing , television is entertaining. c. Most importantly television is educational. BODY PARAGRAPHS The body consists of one or more paragraphs following the introduction. Each paragraph supports the main idea of your essay by breaking it down into smaller ideas or sub- topics. Each body paragraph consists of a ‘topic sentence’ and several ‘supporting sentences’. A ‘conclusion sentence’, which is optional, draws the paragraph together. Topic Sentence The first and most important problem is Metropolitan City’s inadequate public transportation system. Thousands of residents rely on the city’s buses and streetcars to travel throughout this large city, but Metro Transportation System’s daily schedules are totally unreliable. A bus or a streetcar that should arrive at 7:45 may not arrive until 8:00 or later. Moreover, it is not unusual for a bus driver to pass up groups of people who are waiting for the bus because he wants to make up for lost time. Unfortunately, many people go to work late or miss important appointments. People must allow for waiting time at the bus and streetcar stops to get to their destinations on time. Concluding Sentence EXERCISES PART A: Write three supporting sentences for each of the following topic sentences. e. g. : I am terrible at doing the laundry. a. I often shrink my favourite shirts because I leave them in the dryer for too long. b. I forget to separate the coloured clothes from the white ones. PART B: Fill in the clustering diagram below. Now fill in the diagram below. Complete the thesis statement, and write three body paragraphs for the introduction paragraph given below. THE CAUSES OF CRIME Nowadays, the most serious issue in modern societies is high crime rates. In other words, the number of people who commit crime has increased recently. Some streets in our city are so dangerous that we are afraid to walk in these streets at night. In addition, the number of thieves is very high in our neighbourhood. Well, what are the causes of this terrible situation? He is very ill. He will certainly die if you do not call a doctor. Clearly, that cannot be true. It is an obvious lie. Everyone knows that. REFORMULATION in other words to put it in a different way Michael is a heavy sleeper. In other words, it is very difficult to wake him up. Some people are workaholics. To put it in a different way, they hardly ever take time off work. ADDITION LINKING and also besides moreover furthermore / what’s more in addition first, (firstly, / first of all, / to begin with, / in the first place, / for one thing secondly, (second, / in the second place,) thirdly, (third, / in the third place,) finally, / lastly, / last of all, apart from as well as Tom is addicted to drugs. Moreover / Besides / Also, he drinks too much. Nancy writes short stories. In addition, she writes articles for a newspaper. To prepare his homework, Jack went through various history books. Furthermore, he took notes from several encyclopaedias. During her spare time, Kayla practices the piano. In addition, she plays the violin. I prefer to buy fruits and vegetables in the open market because they are quite cheap there. Besides, they are much fresher than fruits and vegetables sold at the greengrocer’s. Living in a city offers good job opportunities. Also, it provides good educational opportunities. Ali does not have a gift for music. Moreover, he lacks motivation to practice music. Therefore, he can’t become a good musician. Owning a car has some advantages. First, (Firstly, / First of all, / To begin with,) it gives you comfort. Secondly, it saves you a lot of time. Thirdly, it gives you great freedom of movement. Apart from Citroen, we are the largest sports car manufacturer. As well as the costs, we are concerned by the competition. John loves working for that company because he has time to relax. What’s more, he gets a pay rise next year. CONCLUSION in summary in brief in short in conclusion to be brief to sum up all in all This is the National Football Team’s most disastrous and embarrassing defeat ever; in short, it is a fiasco. Andrew had bad habits, cheated on his wife, and didn’t have a job. In conclusion, he was a terrible husband. REASON RESULT Some people are very stressed Children drink polluted water , so . As a result, . Consequently, . As a consequence, . For this reason, . Therefore, . That’s why, they may have health problems. they become ill and die. Stress Drinking polluted water can cause is the cause of leads to gives rise to results in is the reason for health problems. death among children. Some people may have health problems People become ill because since as they are very stressed. they drink polluted water. People have health problems Children become ill and die because of due to as a result of as a consequence of stress. drinking polluted water. CONTRAST although Although my mother is talkative, my father is quiet. My father is quiet although my mother is talkative. however My mother is talkative. However, my father is quiet. My mother is talkative; however, my father is quiet. on the other hand My mother is talkative. On the other hand, my father is quiet. but My mother is talkative, but my father is quiet.yet My mother is talkative, yet my father is quiet. different from My mother’s personality is different from my father’s personality. unlike Unlike my mother, my father is quiet. EXERCISES ON LINKING WORDS PART A: Fill in the blanks with the appropriate linking words in the box. although because in fact in other words since finally however as well as It was a dark and a rainy night. It was 2 o’clock in the morning when my phone rang. A voice on the phone told me to get up immediately and come to the office. I was shocked at that moment; (1) in other words, I didn’t know what to do but anyway I got up and got dressed. While I was walking in the street, I felt creepy (2) because / since it was dark and cold. (3) Because / Since it was very late at night, there was nobody around. (4) Although I had put on a thick cardigan, I was feeling cold. (5) Finally, I came to the office at 2. 35 after a long walk. I was curious (6) as well as scared. (7) However, when I opened the door, all the lights went on and everybody shouted ‘Happy Birthday’. (8) In fact, it was a surprise birthday party for me. PART B: Fill in the blanks with the appropriate linking words in the box. to begin with since
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